Madpanda is wearing 2nd hand Reebok windstopper from Beyond Retro, New Era cap from Caliroots, sunglasses from Beyond Retro and Nike sneakers from Emmaus 2nd hand butik. Model: madpanda.(åbo)
I walked home again and boycotted taxis ! I'm such a rebel. The afterparty ended about 4 a.m. I must say it's quite an experience walking home at that hour, the sun is just starting to come up and still there's no one around. Probably Finland's busiest freeway at 4.26. Lol go home team ! My hoods at 4.51.
HAHA ! I just came home. Three days of diskoouu tiiimes behind and at least one to go. Tomorrow I'm DJing at this big party.
LOLO can you imagine, I walked over 10 kilometres home :D Gosh my feet are killing me right now. Plus last night we wondered for like 15 kilometres searching for a place to eat. Then finally we found a Mcdonalds drive-in, and lol I dat to humiliate myself by going there, WITHOUT A CAR ! I was just like, Mooi, tota me haluttais tilata mut meil eioo kyl autoo :)) Hi, we would like to order, but we don't actually have a car :))
Hhahaz, I have to stand on my bed on these photos because there's like no floor left in my room ! Quelle surprise...
2 days of disco in a row ! This is how pros do it. Although the price to pay for that is the metamorphosis on your face. Gosh does it say lol !? How weird.